pixelpanic.me neo

After I changed my domain registrar

After the migration, I think it is an good idea to share the current tech stack across my websites, and what I used in tha past.

For this website

Elements Tech used
Webpages Static site generated using Hugo
Hosting Cloudflare Pages
Media content Cloudinary

Although there isn’t a fancy editor like WordPress, Hugo does let me use Markdown to create new posts, which is better for me. Also, this stack cost virtually nothing to maintain (Cloudflare Pages and Hugo is free, free credits from Cloudinary is sufficient to serve image assets to this blog).

The advantage of Hugo is fast (so the build is quicker) and I always love to serve static pages since it is much safer.

For liddat.one & lets.photography

Elements Tech used
Webpages Static site generated using Hugo
Hosting Cloudflare Pages
Media content Cloudflare Pages

I used a similar stack for my albums, but the images are larger and traffic is higher than this blog, I am planning to serve the images from Cloudflare images when more resources are available.

For other landing pages

Elements Tech used
Webpages Static HTML Templates
Hosting Gitlab Pages
Media content N/A

Pixoria.net use a static HTML template and is hosted on Gitlab Pages, contents are static with minor JS generated content to make it “evergreen”. I am not planning to update the content any soon and the domain is likely to serve as an email domain only. Serving static HTML is much safer and makes the footprint as least as possible.